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Our secret sauce is really no secret.

We hire the very best and we take great care of our people. This explains why Pacesetter has one of the highest associate retention rates in the steel industry, or any industry for that matter. More than half of our associates have been with us for over 10 years. We truly are a family with genuine compassion for one another and deep trust.

The type of talent that thrives at Pacesetter are people who are passionate, results-oriented, adaptable, and who lead by example. Our team doesn’t settle for mediocrity and we’re always looking to find a better way of doing things for ourselves and for our customers.

Pacesetter is always seeking talented and highly-motivated individuals, from any industry, who want to join the team and experience a culture that feels like an extended family. 

Explore Career Openings

Service Center Office Manager

Regional Sales Manager - Midwest Territory

Regional Sales Manager - Southeast Territory



Staff Accountant

Regional Sales Manager

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